Advent! The season of preparation for Emmanuel has a new
meaning this year.
In mid-October, I was contacted by SIM with a change of
plans. The original departure date SIM and I set, December 2, has now been
moved to March 2014. The American project managers of SportsFriends in Malindi,
Kenya, John and Allison Smith, are in need of unexpected leave from the mission
field. The health of John’s mother being precarious, SIM arranged for their
stateside return to love and care for her! It was tough to stomach the Smith’s
news as I imagined their reaction overseas and understood that I would not be
arriving in Kenya in December. However, this circumstance allowed me to grow a
new respect for SIM. SIM’s compassion to the Smith’s need and hasty reaction to
the Smith family is wildly reassuring in my own circumstance. The happenings of
the Smiths and the delay in my departure continue to remind me that this
journey is not my own, but a parcel! A gift to arrive in good time like His
Son. Ahh, so I arrive at a place of confidence!
My new assignment, located south of Malindi, fell into
my life about a week ago! The remote coastal village compound, is midway
between Malindi and Mombasa. Although I don’t know much about the village (the
internet does not have much to say about this mere blip on the map), I do know
some about my work and accommodations. A Kenyan minister and his wife have
opened their home for my room and board. I will have a presence in the school,
church and farm (African veggies yippee) on the compound as well as
participating in a travelling SportsFriends ministry in surrounding
villages!!!!! What a well designed assignment for this sporty, farmy white girl!
The nuances of this placement are proof that God is actively sewing my thread
into Kenya. Just in time for ThanksgivingJ
I’ll keep this blog updated on my upcoming departure as my
work permit paperwork files through.
Peace for now, and much thanks too!
Happy Thanksgiving, the best time of the year
Prayer requests: John and Allison Smith family, sweet time
with family for the holidays